Friday, June 11, 2021


Tennis and Cultural Expansion

Watching the French Open this year renews my conviction that human excellence develops from the mix of all nationalities representing a range of styles and backgrounds. The best players school each other, push skills and uplift watchers with their stamina and virtuosity. Through cultural expansion we can move forward as a species, sharing knowledge and perspective. People have a choice about where to give their attention. It’s so much better for the psyche to choose admiration and inspiration. In a time obsessed with labels, individual excellence demonstrates that what matters is what we do, not what we are. Beneath the surface is the rich individuality that produces excellence when following a passionate interest. Watching tennis offers the privilege of sharing the peak moments of dedicated careers. When I was first caught by the look on Bjorn Borg’s face that started me watching tennis, I felt like I was being let in on something deeply private, intense and exposed. The appeal of virtuosity is positive brain chemistry. The satisfaction of pushing our boundaries is available no matter what the personal interest. Finding groups that share that interest can now reach all over the planet. In every area of life, we are enriched by difference. With more different kinds of people and backgrounds, our own choices are expanded. Society needs to make the evolutionary step that moves toward difference, not away. This weekend are the finals of the French Open. The play leading up to them has been outstanding and it’s a time when a shift of generations is underway. The legendary Serena Williams lost and the Russian and Czech in the finals are the next young women to inspire. The men’s final will be a battle between the current #1 from Serbia, Novak Djokovic who has been around two decades and emerging star, Stephanos Tsitsipas from Greece. Women’s Final are at nine am Saturday, men’s at nine am Sunday. They’ll stir some positive brain chemistry and give mirror neurons a workout.