Monday, January 22, 2024


Re-Enactment- The Story

I first posted “Enactment” this past August. As has happened before, once I saw it on the screen I saw I hadn’t taken it where I wanted it to be. Since I had an absorbing painting project underway it didn’t move fast but I was glad to have it when my husband went to the hospital over Thanksgiving. Just challenging enough to keep my attention the minimal thing I'd been working with was soothing to look at. Home from the hospital thinking he had a condition that could be controlled, a few days later we get a call that is much more dire. Meeting with the specialist it became even worse. I felt steamrolled by what he told us. So this drawiing got darker then lighter in what I finally started calling either palliative drawing or therappeutic drawing behavior. I don't know if it's improved but it 's been a safe place to eend each day after endless treatments, scans and doctors appointments. I've finally reached a place where I'm ready to stop and go on to express what's happening now.