Saturday, February 22, 2025


Patterns of Energy

Still thinking about the influential resonance between similar shapes, I remember how gestalt psychology used the term isomorphism to refer to the similarity in the pattern of activation in the brain to the structure of the perception. A metaphor could be said to be isomorphism, a way of understanding one set of relationships through a similarly structured set of relationships. Fractals are the repeating shape at multiple scales. To be able to map many features together can enable a structure to emerge. In the realm of energy, the torus is a recurring pattern that when I looked into it in relation to nature made me catch my breath. As the shape of the human energy field, within the similarly shaped magnetic field of the earth, it is speculated by some that it is the organizational structure of the universe, aligning with the world tree of ancient shamans. It is the shape of growth, visible everywhere in the garden with flowers’ central tubes and fountain of petals as the most visible part. Recently I heard a talk that suggested we had a specific heart wave, shaped like a torus that expanded as we felt more loving feelings and in itself could affect others. I’m curious about these life energy waves and how they interact with other waves. The body has a system of tubes for digestion, blood, lymph, nerves. Flow along tubes is a primary organization for life, fields within fields. I’ve explored the human energy flow in drawings, as a torus-field, thinking of the physical body as the center tube. The energy flows in and out and beyond the tube. Just as a plant reacts when something comes close suggests its field of awareness extending beyond its physical space. Perhaps the ancient concept of chakras could be small torus nodes at other centers, not just the heart, areas that expand and contract with emotions associated with those areas. I can often see a relation between sickness in the urinary tract as alienation I wasn’t aware of. On the gut’s third chakra, issues of fear and control, congestion in my chest as clogs in my capacity to connect with others. When it’s the head my loss of ability to spill that energy back out into the world. These underlying themes can be drowned out by the areas of physical and intentional awareness, day to day concerns. With an image like the flow of clouds around the planet, I can sense ”the Tao that can’t be told”. With the essence of understanding in an image, these ideas about the torus have led me to see it as the path love takes as it weaves a whole that we share in with our personal torus.